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Amirhossein Amirjalali

Amirhossein Amirjalali was born in 1965 in Tehran and started painting at the age of 22. He has had many solo and group exhibitions inside and outside of Iran. The sound of Herd is his 12th solo show.
As the artist says about this exhibition:" In this series, I have taken advantage of the variety in size and style, and I have realized that I can convey my message better and more intimately with this approach. In these works, I try to make the most significant problem and conflict of human beings unaffected and fluently, so I have used the cow as a symbol. My cows are reactionary, one-sided, quick-witted, authoritarian, and hostile to modernity and superstition. My technique is the combination of materials on the canvas, which I have used the combination of abstraction and figure to create the concept I want of stereotype and figure to create the idea I like.




Tabassom Taham

Tabassom Taham is a young artist born in 1987 in Tabriz.  Tabassom graduated from Sooreh University in 2011 with a degree in painting.  She started her official artistic activity in 2010 by participating in the group exhibition "Action, Expression, Creativity" in Mahmehr Gallery and has had several exhibitions in Iran.
"Beygom" is her fourth solo, which, like her other three exhibitions, "still-life girls," "Smile, Honey!"  And "another perspective" focuses on women.
This exhibition can be considered as a continuation of the previous works of Tabassom.  In this exhibition, the same women who were looked at from the other side, staring at the camera or immersed in nature, are engraved in frames, street walls, or advertisements in front of viators and visitors. It is as if a window from the past has opened, and this show is taking place in front of the eyes of modern man.  A show that is overrated or forgotten, depending on the venue




    First floor













    Second floor