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Montakhab Nasl-e-No is the first painting competition for artists under the age of 35 that has been around for more than a decade and has introduced prominent figures of contemporary art into the art space.


Statement of the jury of the 12th annual election of the Montakhab Nasl-e-No:


The 12th Annual Selection and Refereeing Board selected 38 people in two rounds of judging. The jury denies any conclusiveness, arguing that despite the lack of free and unfettered experiences in the works of this generation, one can not ignore the fact that there are many professions and achievements and deprivation arrangements in them, which at the same time eliminates the search for these friends. And most of the works with the mask of the established artist have been present in this event.
On the other hand, it should not be overlooked that the dominance of the visual space now plays a significant role in the recent detours, and it is not possible to put all the shortcomings on the young generation.
This choice considers the relationship between content and technique, the avoidance of representation and propaganda, and the avoidance of common stereotypes as the main components of this selection. To offer this, we prefer personal experience to any other proposition.
In the end, it is you who will see and reflect and analyze another part in the continuation of our judgment; Judgment is part of cognition, not a better or worse choice.











    First floor






    Second floor