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Farzane Vaziritabar

Farzane Vaziritabar was born in 1987 in Iran. She has obtained her Diploma in painting from Yazd Visual Arts school and her Bachelor in Sculpture and Master's degree in Art Studies from Teheran University. She is currently studying Public Art and artistic Strategies in Bauhaus University of Weimar in Germany. She has participated in individual and group exhibitions and won national and international prizes in the field of sculpture, installation and cartoon.

FFF, 2019

In a play on the famous modernist design maxim FFF or "form follows function ", meaning that the shape of an object should relate to its intended function, later translated into "form follows fiasco" by postmodern designers, the artist proposes "form follows Farzane " as its latest interpretation. Through a variety of media that change over the course of the exhibition, the artist invites her audience to interact with the presented following instructions given by her. By illustrating how forms are shaped or reshaped in every interaction, the artist challenges the relationship between object and subject. Elements such as time, mass, volume, fullness, and surface or a combination of these, may change in every moment. Where the original interpretation of the idiom was based on the assumption that both form and function were clearly defined concepts, the artist interprets the modernist maxim for a present that is defined by individualism.














    Second floor