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Eilya Tahamtani

Eilya Tahamtani, has been emphasizing on incompatibility of power and human morals for the past years.

He has tried to reveal his generation’s anti-aesthetic trends by harshly attacking the concept of beauty.

 All these years he was expressing his words by illustrating on paper, making posters, drawing caricatures, designing and etc.

This year and in this exhibition like a ,Shaman, communicates to eras to reach his ideals in new kinds of relationships. Fables and the Animal evolves to a human is his obsession to illustrates us to us.

The “ten Commandments” on ten canvases, are trying to make a human ring, they are made by hardly visible lines caused by the gravity and great chaos of the creatures, and at the same time it provides the balance by using round mirrors on the canvases.

Just like the revelation of “ten Commandments “that proved the eternal “breach of promises by Isaiah“, Eilya’s “ten Commandments” that is provided in some natural contexts such as the earth, sea, the sky, etc., is revealing the ontology of a generation that their perception of “human” is simply remembering the wars from Cain and Abel fight to the Middle East battles.
He is so cruel when he is uncovering the characteristic of his people; he draws the exact realities that he observes.
When the artist is going to fill the form with concepts, macro-narrations of the “ten Commandments“ will become into the micro-narrations of our contemporary society.
Eilya Tahamtani has focuses on a kind of Aristotelian theory: Human being is a social animal. Just take a closer look at the mirrors in his works.

Dariush Kiaras