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Amir Naser Akhlaghi

The most outer interior spot, the most inner exterior spot. (Ending Point, starting then series)

Initially, the dot at the end of the line reminds us of the end while we feel that. That empty space is the start of a new and free path, a place to express aims freely in public.

The current picture are not concise and have altered so as to make a way to reflect anxiety and human’s stress in today’s state thoughts which have impressed me life adventure , adventures made gradually and result in our life and dots which represent unclear happiness and sadness at times.

It’s not simple; It is associated with the human’s perception of the image.

It’s simple; it’s the bases of our recognition of the image.

Human has had insight and understanding into their surroundings through dots margins, shapes without having realized the true concept of dot. In other words, painting, in fact is distinguishing elements from background.

The way of lining and dotting in painting introduces its massage as much as it is related to shape from. The imagery congested energy which has been captured in circular pints increases our understanding of expansion, contraction and emphasis. My purpose in these paintings was insistence on graphic dimension of distinguishing dotted line in images. What I aimed is reflecting Foucault’s terrifying quotation: “inside is the most philosophic exterior spot and outside is the most outer spot of inside.”

Amir naser Akhlaghi