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Farshid Davoodi

The purpose of this show is that to rebuild newspaper again but in contrast of its application. These newspapers lose their role of media as intermediate informing. Newspapers with their goal show part of reality but I don't mean they can distort the reality. Newspapers give visualization to entity of history and for this reason they can identity to imaginations. What cause to I represent newspapers, are  their stereotype role in mechanism of remembering. They involve area that play symbolic role of archytype and many of 20th century implications as Alain Badio pointes that without metaphor role, it is not remembering. many of 20th century implications as Alain Badiou pointed why newspaper morphology divert from its usual way is in this direction.Abstract of compact newspaper is clear emanation of Palimpsest but I don’t want to abandon viewer  with range of pictures I decided to cover them with my mental habitual topics. In fact, these pictures remind representative role to reader (vewier) as author and also review the past that we speak a lot but we can't watch objective.