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Bahareh Babaei


Painting by Painting series | what is it in a painting which attracts us or repulses? It may be about the painting's subject. To me, escaping from the subject is such a trike which makes me far from a narrative, and this is what save my painting from banality. Actually I make an effort to reject any kind of idea going inside my work .I know this the available possibility of conceptual painting indeed as Baldessari do; to achieve art, he quitted painting inevitably. 

Why do I run away from narrative in my works? I know what the answer is; because narrative in painting is a seductive element totally. 

So I sought a kind of concepts and manners in painting which helped me not to be involved with narrative stuffs. It was painting landscapes and still lifes at firs but then I felt working on animals has such a great powerful paradox basically that is what I want! This is exactly like the Diana and Actaeonmyth that human turn into animal and vice versa.