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Parichehr Tayebi

Zamanzad: First Edition

Suspended Intensity

"Zamanzad" is the title of my long term project in which I have been dealing with subjective and objective exchanges. In the _rst stage, I have tried to re-de_ne the concept of “time” in arts, from my own point of view. Consequently, I came up with creating several abstract symbols and marks, with a distinct meaning.

In the next stage, I have concentrated on some of these symbols, and the present collection is the result of focusing on that portion of “time” which the human beings can experience. The situation of man against “time” is an intense condition. Meaning we are born, live for a limited time and then leave this world. As a painter, if I want to give a visual de_nition of this intense situation,

it would resemble the unique form of a circle. A circle is exactly the environment in which man is suspended. Circle is the appropriate symbol for time. Circle is a symbol of circulation and transformation…, it is a form which is always on the move and has the ability to be modi_ed to a variety of other shapes. That is why I consider human beings’ intense situation as “suspended” and constantly changing.

Eventually, “Suspended Intensity” is my own perception from a human being’s existence and his position versus “time”. Lighting, black surfaces and particles resembling natural organic forms, share this change with us. Therefore, in order to give a better description of my environment, I have used various textures in nature, and exaggerated layers of paint (only black and white and the tonalities in between these two colors). I do not know how long “Suspended Intensity” will continue to live in me, but I will develop and extend Zamanzad in my future works and will try to deal with other aspects of this complicated and profound de_nition.

Parichehr Tayebi