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Group Exhibition

 “I am not.... I am”

“I am not” is a collection, resembles a collage of different interpretations of pictorial stories which are presented dissimilarly.

Deceiving the Instinctual Nature, “I am not” cooks up his own subjective stories. Judging and comparing different shapes, “I am not” is going to narrate his story of an adventure and make a fiction rather than a dream. This pictorial story is drawn out of what is rested in mind and what is crossed the mind subconsciously. Perhaps these subconscious pictures are made of our sighs, pains, failures and lusts, and then adjusted with an image of outside world.

 The subject is detected out of every corner, decorated in some parts and left faded in others, as if the mind instantly swallows us into a swamp and there are still free spaces after swallowing all of us. Nonexistence is deep. There is no alternative except staring in our nonexistence, after facing this experience I challenge “what I am”.


Collective memory

Quotations appear to visualize and describe events that have been happened in the past. Nevertheless, they are incapable of explaining what has been flown within the space, time, and place. If quotations were honest, they would deliver the “real” incompletely, if not that would mix with imaginations.  When quotations appear in the vast social-historical scale, they convert to an important part of the history, to the collective memory. Historical images seem to be the visual appearance of historical events, common images of what have been recorded of those events in public minds. Pictures are collective memories. However, they narrate particular moments despite what has happened before and after. Pictures are determined simulations of facts and are not able to recall what has happened in the real completely and perfectly. Thus, such disability would provide narrators the chance of distorting and even converting reality. Pictures would mix with imaginations, sentiments, and individual beliefs and later they would separate from their contexts and convert to brand new stories. Hence, the collective memory would be interrupted. We look for unreachable truth among such pictures and memories. The collective memory would be built up on unreliable images and incomplete quotes. 

Bahar Taheri, July 2014