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Azadeh Etebarian

Philosophy Stew

Children are philosophers, as they are always in pursuit of discovering mysteries. Children are mystics; they are present in the moment and do not have the avarice for power and ambition. Adam & Eve had a childlike spirit, concupiscence and greed did not penetrate into their world. It was the human ego that banished Adam & Eve from their heaven. Even if monks abandon their homes and their reliance on the material world, but still hang on to important factors like ego and cupidity, gradually this ego turns to be their temple, church, palaces and wars under the name of God and the sanctities. Smart people, escape from the material world and start fighting with their egos, yet the less intelligent, stick to this world and fight with others. When you struggle for power and greed, you are in fact in battle with yourself and your God and that is a sign of distrust, achieving supremacy and being away from one’s true self.

What matters, is reaching the child within, which is the most difficult war of all. What matters, is the inside and getting to know our own being in this world, and the only miracle that can admit us to the heaven we have been expelled from, is acquiring simplicity and a childlike soul.

In this collection, I have tried to observe our cruel contemporary world from behind a child’s pink window, which represents a kind of an ironic look at wars and serious issues of today’s world.